Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 1, Trip Begins

Day 1--As you can see Jon and I started off with great communication =)
Which way to go??

Sights along the way!

Beautiful sunny weather...summer here we come!!

Ok, we needed some pictures and this was a cool looking bridge =)
Taken by Jon....still shooting and driving!!
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Anonymous said...

I like the first picture, even if it is in Kansas.
Looks like you guys are having fun! Jon, it really isn't safe to shoot and drive but since you probably won't change; i'll just say be careful! :-)

And Liz, "Friends don't let friends shoot and drive."

Jonathan Spratt said...

No worries...I was holding the wheel :-)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the warm weather to come! That'll be awesome being out there! Have fun---which is useless to say, cause I know you both will!! =)

Lacey said...

Cool train pic! Isn't it great that you can post pictures on a trip? Okay, and I'm going running this afternoon. :-)